One thing I may need to do is go back to the Cab screens and be certain that the mics are set on the same distance and axis.Įdit: There is no setting of mic axis or distance in POD Farm, there is only a percentage setting for 'Room' and in both versions this is set to 50. There is some sort of delay 'pot' on the PF2 mixer which is turned off but otherwise there doesn't appear to be any tone shaping options on either mixer. The other item on the right (or would it be your other left? ) in the PF2 photo is the mixer which also exists in PF1 but is only seen on the mixer screen. It's the same mic in the first photo (PF1) however, you have to look at the Cab screen to see it. In the second photo (PF2) the mic is a '67 condensor'. In the second photo I see a mic and some module to the left which is absent from the first photo?